Chris Dorn schrieb:
I tend to avoid these comparison posts, but I could use some feedback from
those who have "been there." I'm wading into this pool of radios - Icom R75,
Palstar R30, and Sat 800.
Three VERY different sets - one's a rather compact tabletop packed with
features, the other one's a compact tabletop (can be used as a portable)
with no frills approach, and the third one is a big "portable".
I have never used or listened to the Icom or
Palstar. I have tried the Grundig, and had numerous QC problems with it. I
liked the potential of the radio, but just couldn't find a good sample. I
suspect I was getting recycled rejects from the limited Radio Shack stock in
my neck of the woods. I am mostly a program listener/casual DXer, so good
audio for AM broadcasts is a plus.
This makes the IC-R75 look less attractive, which is a good choice for
ham radio and data modes, but doesn't perform as brilliantly in AM
(synch not very effective, sound via speaker not that great). You do
notice that Icom is more of a ham radio/communications type company.
The Grundig seemed good in this respect.
I have heard that the Palstar radio is also very good in this respect, and
apparently is well constructed. However, recent searches suggest QC problems
with this model as well. I would like to give this model a try, but I am in
Canada, and it's tougher just to ship things back and forth for an
experiment. Can anyone comment on these supposed "problems" with the
I have read in one review (on that the battery compartment was
wired incorrectly on one sample, but whether that's the rule I don't
know. From the reviews it didn't look like there were enormous QC
problems. Be sure to get one with a Collins filter (in your case, I'd
suggest for the wide filter position). You should keep in mind that this
is a rather basic no frills receiver which concentrates on the
essentials - you get AM and SSB with two filters (plus a 3rd setting for
the 10 kHz 1st IF filter, I think), but no synchronous detection, no
passband tuning, etc.. One other receiver you might want to consider is
one of the later (preferably post-1996) Drake SW-8s (used, apparently).
They're what the Sat 800 is based on, but more compact and with much
less problems.
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