On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 11:29:07 -0500, Kevin Alfred Strom wrote
(in message ):
by Kevin Alfred Strom,
producer and host, American Dissident Voices radio program
In stark contrast to the near-hysterical national coverage given to
the the dragging death of a Black ex-convict in Jasper, Texas in
For a couple weeks, this was true.
the brutal execution-style slaying of three young Whites by
Black assailants on Labor Day in Texarkana, Texas has been given
only local and regional coverage in the controlled media.
ROTFLMAO at Strom the Wonder Dog.
It's been given world-wide coverage every since it happened, mostly by low-iq
racists who keep complaining that /their/ victim didn't get as much coverage
as the original victim.
The old communist technique of using race to split a country to that
communism could slip in.
Kevin Alfred Strom is one of those who Josef Stalin called "useful idiots".
Divide and conquer with StromTrooper insecurity.
No rebuttal via wrong topic since it's been shortwave and the "profits,
pay-triots and militants who never served in a "real" military" where the
StromSnoopers keep crying in their beer.
Aw, po' little Strom. One of communism's "useful idiots".
Gray Shockley
DX-392 DX-398
RX-320 DX-399
70¹ Longwire
Torus Tuner (3-13 MHz)
Vicksburg, MS US
Err... I think you have it wrong, there, citizen.
The phrase translating into English as "useful idiots" should be from
comrade Lenin. A later usage by comrade Stalin would be, of course,
just a natural continuation of comrade Lenin's teachings.
I will consult the library, here, and report back if I can source the
As for applying this phrase to our neo-nazis, I will agree with the
"idiot" half. But try as I might, I can find nothing useful about
With all *party-approved* wishes!
Col. I.P. Yurin
Commissariat of Internal Security
Order of Lenin (1937)
Hero of Socialist Labor (1939)