I'm personally not a big fan of Nazism, K.A.S., nor the Nat'l
Vanguard, but I rather found the story of interest, and I, too,
have to ask in the spirit of fairness why we heard not one word
about the aforementioned article.
Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, MN
"Kevin Alfred Strom" wrote:
| Gray Shockley wrote:
| On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 11:29:07 -0500, Kevin Alfred Strom wrote
| (in message ):
| by Kevin Alfred Strom,
| producer and host, American Dissident Voices radio program
| In stark contrast to the near-hysterical national coverage given to
| the the dragging death of a Black ex-convict in Jasper, Texas in
| 1998,
| For a couple weeks, this was true.
| Indeed, and, though the controlled media largely cover it up, a
| Black writer named Elizabeth Wright did reveal that Byrd had a
| criminal record and the judge in that case specifically ruled that
| his convictions were inadmissible in the trial of his killers. See
| the brutal execution-style slaying of three young Whites by
| Black assailants on Labor Day in Texarkana, Texas has been given
| only local and regional coverage in the controlled media.
| ROTFLMAO at Strom the Wonder Dog.
| It's been given world-wide coverage every since it happened, mostly by
| racists who keep complaining that /their/ victim didn't get as much
| as the original victim.
| [...]
| Well, considering the source, I'll ignore the personal and general
| insults and just express my appreciation for your correct perception
| that it has only been the alternative media of the White community,
| like
http://www.nationalvanguard.org/ , that have told the full
| story about the Labor Day Massacre to a national audience.
| Full story he
| With every good wish,
| --
| Kevin Alfred Strom.
| The Works of R. P. Oliver:
| Personal site:
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