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Old September 14th 03, 08:44 PM
Larry Ozarow
Posts: n/a

Oh what a drag. The guys at my Radioshack recognize
me by now, and don't even try to talk to me, they know
I'm always looking for something they don't know anything
about. If you do go back there or decide to purchase from
them, I don't remember the numerical size of the plug. I got the one
with the purple plastic insulator, whichever size that is, but
it could use one that is slightly bigger in diameter. I get error3
pretty easily with either the RS or with the original Sony - actually
maybe a little less with the RS. If you do go back there, probably
best off bringing the radio and and see if you can try the plugs.
Some of the stores either used to or still have a bunch of plugs
hanging from a hook right near the adapters, so you could actually
try them to see which one was the best fit.


Charlie wrote:
Thanks I've tried the only radioshack near me (Im disabled) and wasted
the cab ride there and back because the idiot at the store had no idea
what an adapta plug for theadapter was and noone else was working
that day, i emailed RS and only received an automated response saying
id be getting a letter in the mail. And ive spent 10 dlrs for the cab
and got nothing except flack from the clerk(jerk)