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Old September 15th 03, 11:23 AM
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Default Yaesu FRG-100 CAT control


Being a newbie to SWL I have Yaesu FRG100 receiver that I wish to control
via CAT interface from my PC.

I have built a CAT control interface based on a Max232 from a circuit found
on the internet and using trial version of FTBasic, I do not seem to be able
to get it to work, has anybody any experience of this and how to get it
working. My OS is Windows XP, do I require an older OS to make the serial
comms work ?

Is there a way of checking that the serial comms are working, ie can I check
that when FTBasic sends as a signal to the com port its actual getting there
an out of the port ?

As an alternative can anyone suggest suitable software and interface circuit
details that are known to work with Windows XP.
