Walter Maxwell wrote:
Yes, Cecil, I understand. However I don't particularly like the notion of saying
both fields go to zero, or both fields go to zero in the rearward direction.
But Walt, that's exactly what happens when total destructive interference
occurs as explained by J. C. Slater in _Microwave_Transmission_.
I believe voltage 180 out defines a short--period.
That same belief is what got Dr. Best into trouble. He never considered
what happens to the reflected current waves. In a sense, your and his
disagreements are because you both made the same conceptual mistake and
arrived at different conclusions because of that common mistake. If you
and he had not made that shared mistake, you both would have arrived at
the same conclusions.
Another scenario with the same initial conditions and results: Take two
identical generators delivering the same level of harmonically related output
voltages. Connect their terminals in phase.Voltages in phase--currents in phase.
Result? No current flow. Why? Zero voltage differential. Open circuit to
voltage--open circuit to current.
Now reconnect their terminals in the opposite manner. Voltages 180 out--currents
180 out. Do we have current flow? You bet--dead short! Because current results
from voltage, if voltages are 180 out of phase we have a short to both voltage
and curent. No open circuit to current.
This is the problem with trying to use circuit analysis to replace network analysis.
Put the two sources at the two ends of a transmission line and please reconsider
the outcome. Equip the two sources with circulators and dummy loads so the outcome
cannot be in doubt.
73, Cecil
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