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Old September 16th 03, 10:45 AM
Posts: n/a

Thanks for the input,

I have managed to get my system working, it appears that my com2 port was
dead so now connected to com1 and it works.

Sounds like you got same circuit as me, but I do not understand why 22uF
capacitors are suggested as the MAX232 datasheet shows 1uF as being
necessary. Perhaps somebody could explain why. I haven't found the program perhaps you could post/email a copy for me.


"Peter K" wrote in message
I'm just about to build an interface and I've just read the readme that
comes with frgcntrl.exe (search for - lost the URL - june
download) it has a Max 232 based circuit in it with a disclaimer of "I
will not give any guarantee that it will work and
that it does not damage any hardware."

The comments include:

- capacitors could be 22 uF / 16V tantal,
the c. at the output of the 78L05 100 uF,
watch for correct polarity !

- pins 7-8 and 9-10 of the MAX-232 could be connected pairwise

- for the YAESU FRG-100: connect pin 11 of the MAX-232
with a resistor of 5k6 to the ground or you will not
be able to receive data from the FRG-100 !

- I had to connect pins 4-5-8 together, and pin 6 to pin 20 on
the D-25 plug, to make it work with my RS232 port. I don't have
the pinout for the D-9 version of the RS232 plug, but it should
not be very difficult to get that info.

Appreciate an update
Peter K

"Birderman" wrote in message

Being a newbie to SWL I have Yaesu FRG100 receiver that I wish to

via CAT interface from my PC.

I have built a CAT control interface based on a Max232 from a circuit

on the internet and using trial version of FTBasic, I do not seem to be

to get it to work, has anybody any experience of this and how to get it
working. My OS is Windows XP, do I require an older OS to make the

comms work ?

Is there a way of checking that the serial comms are working, ie can I

that when FTBasic sends as a signal to the com port its actual getting

an out of the port ?

As an alternative can anyone suggest suitable software and interface

details that are known to work with Windows XP.
