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Old September 16th 03, 11:39 PM
Mike Terry
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Default Amateur Radio Ramps Up Preparations to Greet Hurricane Isabel

From ARRL:

The position and projected path of Hurricane Isabel as of 11 AM EDT
September 16. [NOAA Graphic]
NEWINGTON, CT, Sep 16, 2003--Amateur Radio operators along the Eastern
Seaboard are gearing up to greet the arrival--probably on Thursday,
September 18--of a diminished but still potentially damaging Hurricane
Isabel. At this point, the storm is expected to reach landfall along the
coast of the Carolinas before veering north toward Western Pennsylvania and
Western New York. The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) on 14.325 MHz and WX4NHC at
the National Hurricane Center have announced plans to activate. The HWN will
activate Wednesday, September 17, at 1400 UTC (10 AM EDT) and remain up
through the storm's duration. The National Hurricane Center is warning
interests from the Carolinas northward to southern New England to closely
monitor Hurricane Isabel's progress. The storm, once a powerful category 5
hurricane, now has been downgraded to a category 2 hurricane with
still-dangerous winds of 105 MPH with higher gusts.

"As the hurricane achieves initial landfall, the HWN will focus specifically
on storm reports into and out of the immediately affected areas and into the
forecast path of the storm," said HWN Manager Mike Pilgrim, K5MP. WX4NHC
will commence operations September 17 at 2200 UTC (6 PM EDT), although
Amateur Radio Coordinator John McHugh, KU4GY, says the startup time could be
adjusted as conditions change. At that point, McHugh estimated the storm
would be some 300 miles offshore.
Pilgrim says it's essential that health-and-welfare traffic be directed to
other nets set up for that purpose. The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio
Network (SATERN) has announced plans to activate on 14.265 MHz on September
18 at 1400 UTC (10 AM EDT). SATERN National Coordinator Pat McPherson, WW9E,
says the net's primary objective will be to handle necessary emergency and
health-and-welfare traffic.

Local emergency and informational nets also will be a part of the mix, and
hams in North Carolina already are getting into the spirit of things. "There
were lots of extra check-ins to the Tarheel Net on Monday night," said North
Carolina Public Information Coordinator Gary Pearce, KN4AQ. "Activity always
picks up when a hurricane approaches the state." As the North Carolina
Section's HF Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) net, the Tarheel Net
meets on 3923 kHz nightly at 7:30 PM Eastern Time and on 7232 kHz during
daylight hours, if needed.

At WX4NHC, McHugh was calling on amateurs within 50 miles of the Atlantic
coast from South Carolina to New Jersey to provide weather data to the
Hurricane Watch Net. Net participants collect and report observed and
measured weather data to the net to relay to the National Hurricane Center
via WX4NHC. The net also routinely disseminates public storm advisories as
they become available. In the case of the recent Hurricane Fabian, which
swept Bermuda, Amateur Radio for a while became the only means of obtaining
storm forecasts and updates after power went down over much of the island.
"If you have weather equipment and are in the affected area please try to
get that data to WX4NHC, however do not put your self in danger at any
time," WX4NHC's McHugh said. He also asked that stations not relay weather
information given out by local media, since that information already is "in
the system."

In addition to monitoring the Hurricane Watch Net on 14.325 MHz, WX4NHC will
monitor Reflector 9210 on IRLP as well as the EchoLink system surface
reports using the on-line Hurricane Report Form on the WX4NHC Web site. He
said amateur weather enthusiasts with weather equipment and ON-NHC
Volunteers may report directly to WX4NHC on-line.

McHugh said these "surface reports" are very important as they give
hurricane specialists at the National Hurricane Center a clearer picture of
what is actually happening on the ground during the storm.
North Carolina ARRL Section Manager John Covington, W4CC, this week alerted
members in his section to be at the ready. "I encourage each of you to make
personal preparations for the storm," Covington said. "In addition, I hope
you will be able to contribute to Amateur Radio disaster communications, if
necessary." He urged amateurs to make sure their equipment is working, all
batteries charged and any emergency generators operational. "Do this today,"
he said, "not during the storm!"
Covington also said those having any doubts about their safety should
prepare to evacuate. He said the Coastal Carolina Emergency Net on 3907 kHz
1900 EDT will handle health-and-welfare traffic. "Be aware that most inbound
health-and-welfare traffic is very difficult to deliver," he said.

Covington was among those worrying less about the potential for wind damage
than about the possibility of widespread flooding. "With much of our ground
saturated from the heavy rain we've had this year, North Carolina should be
prepared for the possibility of flooding, even if the storm moves well to
the east of us," he said.

ARRL North Carolina Section Emergency Coordinator Bernie Nobles, WA4MOK,
reports that hams will staff the North Carolina Emergency Management Eastern
Branch headquarters in Kinston starting at 1 PM EDT today. Repeaters likely
will handle communication with North Carolina's Outer Banks, although HF
will remain available as a backup.

If Isabel takes a more westerly course, the Tarheel Net will go into
full-time operation as needed. Nobles has asked hams to maintain watch on
3923 kHz as the storm approaches, whether or not a formal net is in session.

North Carolina Emergency Management Emergency Coordinator John Guerriero,
KG4HDT, says the amateur station at the state emergency operations center in
the capital city of Raleigh will activate Wednesday, September 17. Pearce
said Guerriero is organizing an umbrella of liaison stations to monitor the
wide-coverage 146.88 MHz repeater and the Tarheel Net frequencies.

Pearce says that on the Outer Banks--expected to be the storm's first point
of contact--Richard Marlin, K4HAT, checked out the repeaters and linked
systems that keep hams in touch in that remote area and said everything was
working well. Pearce said Marlin, who lives on Hatteras Island, was debating
whether or not to evacuate. Residents and vacationers on Ocracoke Island,
which has only ferry transportation between the mainland, were among those
facing mandatory evacuation orders in North Carolina.

Chart showing the probability that Hurricane Isabel will pass within 75
statute miles during the next 72 hours. [NOAA Graphic]

Pearce said other North Carolina hams are reporting they're ready for the
storm. "Inland counties are watching the storm track carefully," he said.
"If Isabel turns a little westward, it could bring strong winds and flooding
to the interior. Nash, Wake and Johnston counties may also be home to
thousands of people who evacuate the coastal areas, and Interstate 40 may be
made a 'one-way' highway in advance of the hurricane to expedite an

Some states already are considering mobilizing National Guard troops and
relief organizations already
have organized shelters for evacuees.

As of 11 AM EDT, the National Hurricane Center had issued a hurricane watch
from Little River Inlet, South Carolina, to Chincoteague, Virginia. That
includes Pamlico and Albermarle sounds as well as Chesapeake Bay south of
North Beach, Maryland and the tidal section of the Potomac River. The NHC
said hurricane warnings may be required later today.

As of 11 AM EDT, the storm was 600 miles south-southeast of Cape Hatteras,
North Carolina, moving northwesterly at around 8 MPH. "A general motion
toward the northwest or north-northwest is expected during the next 24 hours
with some increase in forward speed," the NCH said. Hurricane force winds
extend outward up to 120 miles from the center, and tropical storm-force
winds out to 200 miles.

Although it's now a category 2 storm, the NHC said conditions "could become
favorable for restrengthening prior to landfall."

The southeastern and mid-Atlantic coasts already have been experiencing larg
e ocean swells and dangerous surf conditions.