al, i dont think i discriminated against white people. i wanted to
discriminate against uneducated low-life alcoholics who pretend to be
cowboys in order to give them an appearance of having a real lifestyle
to disguise the trash way they conduct themselves in their personal
lives. i used the term redneck in its modern usage and didnt intend to
offend farmers or people who work outdoors as is its traditional
meaning. i dont think that it is necessarily race specific. what you are
saying does have some merit. i am discriminated against all the time. i
dont let it drag me down. if i went into that bar with my long hair and
full beard and sneakers on my feet it would probably be trouble. put me
in a cowboy hat and goat-roper boots and they might "just leave this
long haired country boy alone" i said before that i dont know about this
incident but i doubt that mexicans sought out a rowdy red neck bar
(sorry but that is perfectly descriptive of the place) with the
intention of pawing over white women. there are lots of white redneck
country drunks who patronize that bar, how should i say it more
politely? if you dont fit into the targeted demographic group then you
need to be real tough or packing heat to drink there. i dont go there.
oh, by the way we ALL HAVE PREJUDICES. each and every one of us! welcome
to the human condition. sorry to offend anyone.