On Sat, 05 Jun 2004 19:20:18 -0500, Cecil Moore wrote:
Walter Maxwell wrote:
But you
can see from my words above that voltage rules--when the voltages are 180 out of
phase it defines a short circuit.
This is exactly the same mistake that Dr. Best made. *VOLTAGE DOESN'T RULE!*
Current is *equally* important to voltage. If you had assumed that "current
rules", you would be saying - "when the currents are 180 out of phase it
defines an open circuit".
Then how can you explain what happens when you reverse the zip cord, plugging
one end in one way and the other with the prongs reversed ? Are you saying the
currents in this condition are seeing an open circuit?
My argument is actually a minor point but bridges part of the gap between
you and Dr. Best. (And absolutely nothing being discussed here concerns
the source impedance of a transmitter. All we are discussing is what
happens at a match point in a transmission line or at a tuner.)