Beyond the Ground Wave and the First (and may be Second) SkyWave Hop.
The Signal gets to you: How it is going to get to you [.]
- - - Depending on the 'conditions' at the Time of Reception.
* That is 'why' an Omni-Directional Antenna is preferred for Receiving.
* And a Directional Antenna is preferred for Transmitting.
- - - To try to better 'saturate' the Target Area with Signal.
mttidnk ~ RHF
= = = Gregg
= = = wrote in message news:Yp6ab.34977$Cu3.3190@edtnps84...
Triangulation. Usually only accurate on a groundwave.
Use a loop, make note of the compass heading.Drive 10+ KM to another spot
(the farther the better) and do another compass reading. Repeat for a
third time. Draw the three lines on a map and where they meet, there's the
vicinity of the transmitter.