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Old September 19th 03, 11:05 PM
Joe LeKostaj
Posts: n/a

In article et,
DaveC wrote:

He has asked me (the family electronics geek) what his options are for an
antenna on his balcony.


Keep it simple... string a random length end-fed wire around the
perimeter of the balcony. Install it up, down, sideways, whatever fits
and is discreet. No need to try for a loop of any particular dimensions.
I use brown or black 24 gauge plastic insulated wire. Nylon ty-wraps are
a good way to anchor the wire if the balcony structure allows it. Don't
bother with plexiglas supports. It's OK if the wire touches the balcony.

Build or buy a small antenna tuner to put at the receiver end. Run a
"ground" wire (though real ground is hard to achieve above the first
floor) to a nearby window frame or outlet plate mounting screw.

This system works fine for me.

If you pick up too much local noise like TV buzz or computer power
supply hash, it might help to put a 1:1 ferrite toroid transformer
between the receiver and the tuner to break the common mode signal path.

Good luck, and post a message telling us what you end up doing.
