September 20th 03, 12:39 AM
Search ebay in the toys & hobbies category. There are dozens of them, many
in good condition for a couple of dollars.
Sal D'Ambra
Blue Ridge Summit, PA
"Tom Ayers" wrote in message
DaveC wrote:
My brother is a serious SWL'er with a recent model of Drake SW receiver.
listens exclusively to 30MHz.
He has asked me (the family electronics geek) what his options are for
antenna on his balcony. (The management doesn't allow anything on the
roof of
the building.) The balcony is a roofed 6 ft x 8 ft affair.
Is it possible to put a loop antenna, coiled inside the balcony roof,
coil being supported, possibly, by a custom plexiglas support in each
I'm open to other possibilties, but with the limited space, I quickly
run out
of ideas.
I know about the center-fed masts, such as
but I'd like to help him with an inexpensive DIY solution, if possible.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Dave C
Some interesting designs on this page:
Although the design is for the ham bands, it would work for swl also
(same part of the spectrum).
I haven't built one of the loop antennas (yet), but plan to, as I am in
a similar situation, and will need an antenna for my 20m rig when I
finish it (under construction - about 30% done).
Another idea I have heard about, is using slinkys:
The loop sounds like a better design, but if I can find a metal slinky
(all I've found are plastic in the toy stores), I might try that one
Tom Ayers
Money is no object to me...
I have no money, therefore it is not an object.