Ten-Tec 1253: regen radio design questions
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September 20th 03, 06:31 AM
Posts: n/a
(SpamLover) wrote in message . com...
I am considering building this regenerative radio and then using it as
a solid base for a lot of little experiments in sadistic
radio-electronics, like AF filtering, bizarre LC tuning and
calibration tricks, maybe adding a CW TX etc etc.
- Are the RF coils separate or in series? Do they have link windings?
- I see that the tuning scale covers an arc of almost 300 degrees.
Is tuning by varicap diode + potentiometer (multiturn pot mod
beckons....) or is it capacitor + slow-motion drive ?
- Is regeneration control by DC- or RF-throttling?
Both have pros and cons...
- As designed, does it cover the whole spectrum, or portions of it?
Also, have you EVER heard of anyone adding a QRP TX to this box, for a
just-in-case QSO?
Thanks in eager anticipation!
I can only answer the second to last question. I am told that the
1253 covers portions of the spectrum . It is not general coverage.
It does appear to hit on all the major bands. I have heard it has
been used in conjunction with a separate QRP transmitter but I haven't
heard of anyone fitting one into the box.
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