Walter Maxwell wrote:
Cecil Moore wrote:
Walter Maxwell wrote:
Then how can you explain what happens when you reverse the zip cord, plugging
one end in one way and the other with the prongs reversed ? Are you saying the
currents in this condition are seeing an open circuit?
I'm sorry, Walt, you lost me. What zip cord?
Cecil, you must not be reading my posts. Go back one or two to get the drift.
Are you talking about the two generators hooked up back to back.
If so, where are the two EM waves traveling in the same direction
which is a prerequisite for complete destructive/constructive
interference? The generated EM waves, in your example, are moving
in opposite directions which is simply not relevant to this discussion.
Please conjure up an experiment where two coherent waves are
moving in the same direction without affecting the generators.
73, Cecil
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