Thread: VE9SRB
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Old June 7th 04, 12:32 AM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Walter Maxwell wrote:
To conclude, I have shown you why I have not used his values of V1 and V2
incorrectly, as you say. If you can show that I'm wrong I'll take the time to
study the step-by-step in your example below.

Steve is essentially doing an S-parameter analysis without the (square
root of Z0) normalization. Since we know that an S-parameter analysis of a
match point is indeed valid, a lot of Steve's equations are valid by

Assuming the S-parameter equation is valid, we can use it to prove that

VFtotal = V1 + V2

V1/SQRT(Z0) = s21(a1) in the S-parameter analysis.

V2/SQRT(Z0) = s22(a2) in the S-parameter analysis.

VFtotal/SQRT(Z0) = b2 in the S-parameter analysis.

Given: b2 = s21(a1) + s22(a2) is a valid S-parameter equation.

Therefore, VFtotal/SQRT(Z0) = V1/SQRT(Z0) + V2/SQRT(Z0) is a valid equation
because there is an EXACT one-to-one correspondence to the S-parameter equation.

Therefore, if we multiply both sides by SQRT(Z0) we get VFtotal = V1 + V2

The only way for the above equation to be wrong is if the S-parameter equation
is wrong. The only difference in the S-parameter equation and Dr. Best's equation
is the normalization by [SQRT(Z0)].

Given a generalized matched system:

XMTR---Z01---x---1/4WL Z02---load
VF1-- VF2--
--VR1 --VR2

VF2 = VF1(TAU) + VR2(RHO) = V1 + V2 Dr. Best's equation

b2 = s21(a1) + s22(a2) S-parameter equation

Dr. Best is essentially quoting an S-parameter analysis
73, Cecil

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