Thread: VE9SRB
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Old June 7th 04, 01:03 AM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Walter Maxwell wrote:
Cecil, if the S-parameteri analysis is applied correctly the results of the
S-parameter analysis should agree with the results of mine that appears in my
earlier posts. You have not responded to the results of my analysis that proves
Steve's use of the equations 9 thru 15 is incorrect. I've proved that these
equations do not work in general. Referring to my analysis, please show me
where I went wrong, if that's your position.

I thought I did that, Walt. Your V1 and Dr. Best's V1 are NOT the same quantity.
Your V2 and Dr. Best's V2 are NOT the same quantity. It is no wonder that you
didn't get the same results. The 1WL 50 ohm line in Dr. Best's example is
absolutely irrelevant. Calculating anything on that line is a waste of effort.

Please center your calculations around the match point.

Plug any values into the following generalized matched system:

XMTR-----Z01-----x-----1/4WL Z02-----load
VF1-- VF2--
--0V --VR2

VF2 = VFtotal in Dr. Best's article traveling toward the load

VF1(TAU) = V1 in Dr. Best's article traveling toward the load

VR2(RHO) = V2 in Dr. Best's article traveling toward the load

VR2 will always equal VF1(TAU) + VR2(RHO) = V1 + V2

just like b2 will always equal s21(a1) + s22(a2)
73, Cecil

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