You may want to try the following:
CI-V commander
TRX Commander (demo)
YPLog & control
Your radio was listed in the descriptives, eithe directly, or by
Michael Agner's excellent page has more, as well as his program
"michael agner" wrote in message
Debbie - you can find lots of software links for the 8500 on my Strong
Signals Software page, which is at:
In summary, you have tk8500 (by Bob Parnass, uses the tck scripting
language), Deltacomm, Frequency Manager, Radiomax, possibly Radioctl,
Spectrum Explorer/Manager/Dominator, Radiocom, TRX-Manager and Visual
I've written reviews of Radiomax and Radioctl; and TRX-Manager has the
added benefit of having a Yahoo group that discusses using this
software. My software page has links to all those packages, reviews and
the yahoo group. 73s and GL on your decision....Mike
goldilox wrote:
I am looking for software to Control the Icom IC-R8500 receiver. Does
know of such software & how I can obtain it. Icom makes such software,
It is
the RS-R8500, but it is a little cost prohibitive for me. So if anyone
has a
copy, I'd sure appreciate it if they'd pass it along. or any other
software that will work with this receiver. Thanks,