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Old June 8th 04, 02:18 AM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Tam/WB2TT wrote:

"Cecil Moore" wrote:
The 'why' is conservation of energy. If there are only two directions
available and energy was traveling in one direction and now it isn't,
it's a no-brainer to realize that it must have changed directions.

Cecil, I think a more convincing argument is that I can take a slotted line
and directly measure a standing wave on it. A wave traveling in one
direction can not do that.

Yes, that is the basis of my earlier challenge. Nobody has been able to
provide a standing wave not composed of a forward-traveling wave superposed
with a rearward-traveling wave. I have offered anyone and everyone $100 who
can accomplish that in a single-source/single transmission line/single-load
system. So far, no takers. One wonders why, considering all the gurus on
this newsgroup. What I get instead are obfuscations of how waves can exist
without energy.
73, Cecil

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