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Old September 28th 03, 07:11 AM
Posts: n/a

Diverd4777 wrote:

Hi Michael:

I've found, that if you put up "More Wire" you get " More Signal".

A John Carr book says if you Quadruple the antenna length to get a 6 DB
( Noteceable) change in signal strength. Found that to be true,

- So it sounds like what you 've got ( 200 foot multi directional ) works
pretty good !

- If you're bored, ( & hanker to terrify the neighbors, )

You COULD try ( using a different color wire to keep it straight ) put up
another 600 feet of wire on your roof

& see if it measurably increases signal strength..!

I mean, if bigger ain't better,
how do you account for Ariciebo or the Very Large Arrays, or Art Bells Huge
Loop antenna?

Antennas are a nice, cheap hobby . . ..

Bigger is better providing your receiver can handle the greater signal
levels without overloading. If not, you will be frustrated with all the
spurious (false) signals to be found throughout the receiver's tuning

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