Seems like you have already named your 200 Ft Random Wire Antenna.
- - - So let it be "FRANKENSTEIN" !
- - - "Fran-Xan-Wire" would have been my choice

Someone with Antenna Modeling Software may be able to give you a
better 'idea' as to the reception pattern that your unique antenna
The Double Folded "X" Shape and the Ground Wire that bisects the field
of "X" creates infinite possibilities.
- - -
IMHO: What makes your "FRANKENSTEIN" Antenna such a performer is that
fact that it uses the Low Noise Antenna design concepts a la "John
- - -
- - -
- - -
Plus you used the ICE-180 Matching Transformer.
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Add-in the fact that your have a 'good' Grounding System.
- - -
- - -
iane ~ RHF
= = = "Michael"
= = = wrote in message . net...
One of my two antennas is a home brew 200 ft random wire antenna. It's well
grounded and also makes use of a coax feed and an ICE-180 matching
transformer. Most importantly, it's set up and folded more like a piece of
modern art rather then an antenna :-). I've had a number of DX'ing friends
over here to check out my R-75 rig and my antennas. A number of times, we
have also had them bring their rigs over here, including an R-8A and a
Kenwood R-5000. We did some side by side comparisons between radios to see
what was the best DX'ing rig. Although we didn't come up with a definitive
answer about what rig was best, we've decided that for reasons unknown, my
200ft "FRANKENSTEIN" random wire antenna was by far the best DX'in antenna
that any of us have used. Still, I have no idea of what the thing is. I
just strung the thing up.. LOL.
Here is a link to the part on my DX'ing page that has comprehensive info on
"FRANKENSTEIN" including diagrams.
Does anyone know what the heck this thing is ??? How would you classify
this antenna besides being a work of modern art ??? LOL. There has got to
be a reason behind it's performance.
Any input would be appreciate.
In short.. What the heck is it ???
Home Page: http://md_dxing.tripod.com/
Northern NJ
R75 w/DSP, Kiwa agc/sync & audio mods
G5RV & 200ft longwire w/ICE-180
MFJ-1048 preselector
SoundBlstr Live PC card w/five piece Cambridge
speakers & full software mixer/eq.