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Old September 29th 03, 04:06 AM
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helmsman wrote:

"Simon Mason" wrote:

So long Boris old chap :-(((. You were a great broadcaster, a gentleman and
always answered my questions over the years with true professionalism. R.I.P

Only Uncle Joe left now :-(

Another true loss.

Uncle Joe (Adamov) did some fancy tap dancing after the collapse of the
USSR. Now he wants us to believe that he had no choice and was forced to
tow the party line at Radio Moscow. I don't doubt there was a lot of
pressure to conform at RM, especially when another employee disappeared
after doing his own version of the news one day. My problem with Joe is
he didn't have to work for Radio Moscow. I suspect the perks were more
than he could turn down.

BTW- Anybody have a recording of the renegade news reader incident at
RM? That guy was either a hero or crazy.

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