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Old October 1st 03, 06:56 AM
Posts: n/a

Paul Clay wrote:

I'm looking to pick up a table top shortwave receiver and have narrowed
my choices to a used Drake R8 (about $500) or a new Icom R-75 (currently
$450 on sale). Any thoughts about which one should get the nod?
Comparative benefits/features? I've read that some inexpensive mods to
the Icom R-75 can make it quite a contender but that, on the other hand,
it comes without the filters that would be standard in the Drake R8?


That's a hard choice. I would probably get the R8 since I'm mainly a
program listener. I think you could do better than $500 for an R8 if
you're not in a hurry and can shop around some more. If you are a mainly
a utility and SSB listener the R-75 has a slight edge.

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