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Old October 2nd 03, 01:25 AM
Stephen M.H. Lawrence
Posts: n/a

"LW" wrote:
| So when are you gonna interview Nashville Joe? W1WCR? AA8DP?
| Chicken fornicator? Sir Sidney? Kind Jewis Indian? Y-Man? Red
| October?

Well, Bro. El Dubyah, I'm hopin' he interviews one of
them "filthy Khazar Jews." That's sure to boost his
credibility! I bet we'll hear talk of goin' down to the temple
to roll around in "The Money," the World Bankin' Conspiracy,
and maybe even "Murdrin' Christian Newborns." Heck,
it'll be more fun than "Free bere night at Mikes Pkaeg Store,"
free "Old Mewalky Bere" and all!

VY 73s OM,

Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, MN

P.S. -- do "filthy Khazar Jews" control the gooey dumpster trade,

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