korgman wrote in message ...
AC Smith wrote:
starman wrote in message ...
Simon Mason wrote:
Yes, but my point is he didn't have to be on RM. What's the point of
being a journalist in a totalitarian country? That's why I think he did
it for the perks.
Well, I'd bet what you think of as "perks" in the Soviet Union might
have been what most people would think of as "necessities". So Joe
was born in a country where journalism didn't mean much but that is
what he wanted to do.
I am happy for him that he has outlived that period to tell us exactly
what things were like and how terrible it was.
Go Joe!
I was thinking of perks like getting a nice apartment, not having to
wait years for a telephone or the best all perks, the dacha by the lake.
None of those were considered "necessities" by the average Soviet
More like the special 'Stores' for Foreigners and Party Officials with
goods and products not available to the common citizen. Little things
like bread, milk, meat, veggies and fresh fruit available to buy daily
with out long lines.
Are these a 'perk' NO!
These are the very stuff (necessities) of a normal life for any man
with a Family (a wife and children) to provide for and to protect.
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