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Old October 4th 03, 03:17 AM
Stephen M.H. Lawrence
Posts: n/a

And tonight, Bro. El Dubyah, I have a brand
new idea. See, so many radio hosts go "on
the road" nowadays....Why, Lloyd could go
on the road to...

(wait for it)...


See, there's a feller down there...well, you
kinda know the rest...


Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, MN

"LW" wrote in message
| Well, Bro. Lawrence, we have reason to believe that Mr. Davies
| *already has* had some lengthy discussions with Mr. Strom. And the
| results were broadcast on SHORTWAVE RADIO several years back. Yep,
| Mr. Strom reported *all* the details on The Great Liberty Net.
| Sad part was, Mr. Davies was not given credit for the "scoop". Even
| the part about Nashville Joe being a "free-bander" serveral years ago.
| (This kinda stuff could bring a crew from CNN, dontcha think?)
| You have an excellent idea, Bro. Lawrence. Mr. Strom *does* have some
| of the finest "radio presence" of anyone around. I guess Mr. Davies
| has to take it from here.

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