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Old October 5th 03, 05:09 AM
White Bufallo
Posts: n/a

I think it actually comes out in late October. But several places are
accepting "pre-publication" orders.


Larry Magne is not only selling his book in the United States of
America alone but to the rest of the world, he should consider if he
makes a price increase it affects prices in other world currencies,
especially in third world countries like South America, Africa and
Asia. They will find difficult to purchase that book in their own
money currencies. They have to purchase more U.S. dollar to import
that book even it is a used or old copies.
So I will not place an advanced order of the 2004 edition of
Passport to World Band Radio book without examining first the
contents, especially with the price increase to $22.95. I rather just
wait for the bargain sale.

White Bufallo