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Old October 7th 03, 01:36 AM
Mitchell Regenbogen
Posts: n/a

I understand that, but I never thought of the worldwide shortwave radio
hobbyist as being particularly oppressed. If that extra $3 will take
food out of their babies' mouths, they should pass on the book, and just
use a little more of the scanning capability of their receivers.

(White Bufallo) wrote in

Mitchell Regenbogen wrote in message
I've never seen such a stink being made over $3. Most people who buy
the book are using hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of rigs.
Reading some of these complaints and "analysis" you'd think the guy
raised it from $20 to $50. If you don't want to spend the extra $3,
then don't buy the damn book. Just shut the hell up already... :-)


Larry Magne is not only selling his book in the United States of
America alone but to the rest of the world, he should consider if he
makes a price increase it affects prices in other world currencies,
especially in third world countries like South America, Africa and
Asia. They will find difficult to purchase that book in their own
money currencies. They have to purchase more U.S. dollar to import
that book even it is a used or old copies.

White Bufallo