Hi Gary -- if you can get a look at Chuck Dachis book "Radios By
Hallicrafters", you will probably find it there.
I looked in my copy -- but the nearest is the R Series -- 5R10, 5R100, etc.
Post the tube line up may help.
73 From The Old Elmer
"Gray Shockley" wrote in message
Hi, Peoples.
I was out looking for a piece of furniture yesterday at a used place and
noticed a Hallicrafters receiver winking its eye at me and saying in an
sexy voice, "He, big boy, wanna take me home?"
Throwing caution to the wind, I slipped her in the house before my wife
catch me with a sexy, older goodlooker like this Hallicrafters.
She agreed to stay - even though she's quite a model - but she won't tell
just what model she is.
Ok, back in the fifties I had a S-38B and a S-53Ahis radio is in no way
comparable to one of those. For the life of jme, I can't even start to
what the market was for this thing.
Slide-Rule Tuning" 9-1/4" long by almost 2-1/2" high.
Controls: [get this, there are only four total!).
Volume Tone, Band Selector (left-to-right). Knobsabout 3/4" in diameter,
brown with a "gold" inset. Spaced under the "slide-rule".
To the right of all that is a brown (it actually appears to be real
panel which is a mite more than 4-1/2" by almost 3" wide. On the top part
it is the circle-h with hallicrafters under it. Below that is a brown
knob -
about 1" wide and with a skirt. This is the tuning knob.
And that's the entire front panel.
I haven't pulled it out of its cabinet yet as the power cord is seriously
defective and I'd like to do a smoke test before anything else.
Now, of course, I didn't just think, I /knew/ that this was a 5-tube
Low end rcvrs always are [well, "were"] and especially from Hallicrafters.
[Hey! When I counted them I just didn't see tube #6 - it's inside an
enclosure behind the tuning knob and is mostly inside a little metal
(rf?) and is 90 degrees to the chassis.]
The rear panel has 4 screw connectors:
ext sw 2
ext fm3
int fm 4
There's also on the rear panel at the lower left a 1/4" jack for "phones".
Inside the back panel is a ferrite-bar ant.
The cabinet is mostly wood-grained metal. The front panel is beige (with
"leather" panel) and the area around the three "smaller" knobs is not
- "bumpy" (can't think of the word) beige plastic.
Oh, the tubes are minis. Looks like four 7-pins and two 9-pins.
There's a serial number on the back (6 numbers then a space then six
On the bottom are six patent numbers on one label. The other label (part
missing) gives credit for other patents used to RCA and Hazeltine
The radio is really caked with dust to a measurable thickness.
What I can see of the linear dial is six bands and the frequencies of
So. What have I got here?
My guess is that it's gonna work fine. It's not young but it's obvious
it's never smoked.
So far, the only things wrong are the aforementioned ac cord and it's
one of the three smaller knobs (where does one get "authenic" things like
As always / many thanks,
Gray Shockley
Yes, I heard the question. It was six dollars.