October 11th 03, 05:33 PM
"Dr. Artaud" wrote in message . 3.44...
(Soames123) wrote in
See, that is where the liberals and democrats have set themselves up in a
good way. They are so ethically and sexually depraved and so drug ridden
that no one expects any level of decency from them.
Imagine the ensuing scandal when a democrat revels to a shocked public
that he or she is heterosexual, or that they stopped having sex in the
Whitehouse while important officials were waiting outside, or that they
elected to have a child rather than abort it, or that they actually
attend Religious services.
My my, the litmus test that conservatives must pass in liberal eyes. Any
failure of a liberal is expected, any failure of a conservative must be
excoriated. If a liberal were a serial killer, he'd expect all people to
be serial killers to validate his/her character defect.
In a story by Robert Louis Stevenson, the reason that an individual may
have failings but still rail against evil is represented by the following
quote: "My love of good is damned to barrenness; it may, and let it be!
But I have still my hatred of evil; and from that, to your galling
disappointment, you shall see that I can draw both energy and courage."
Here is the link to the entire story, if you're liberal, you probably
won't understand it, but for the others:
Markheim http://www.classicreader.com/read.ph...6/bookid.1372/
In the liberal world, all things are depraved, liberals actually conspire
to make things even more depraved, and there are few things that liberals
hate more than Righteousness. To reiterate, liberals have no real moral
system, they are brazen adulterers, drug users, homosexuals, etc.
Certainly these traits occur in the conservative world, but in general,
conservatives tend to disparage this type of conduct, even when they have
been personally afflicted by it. You can be a murder and deplore murder,
quite vociferously, most people wouldn't argue about the hypocrisy of a
murderer denouncing murder. But the hypocrisy of a drug user denouncing
drug users is more than liberals can tolerate.
This is also why liberals are so successful politically. For example,
they endorse Women's Rights, but give a "pass go" card to a man that
likely was responsible for molesting women, certainly engaging in
behavior degrading to women. But, since this person stood to politically
support their cause, they were willing to sacrifice the very principles
that they, at least ostensibly, aspire to. They truly have no core
values, the issue is everything, and whatever is necessary to attain the
issue is all that is important. The media does whatever is necessary to
shield the liberal from his/her own hypocrisy while parading around with
every incident of conservative hypocrisy.
When Christ walked the earth, the Apostles at times had egregious
failings, Christ didn't turn them away and look for new messengers.
Concerning Rush, the message is valid, but the messenger is flawed.
Nothing new there!
Dr Artaud
This reminds me so much of Jimmy Sawggart...and look at how many
followers he has now... I think it's about 27. Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!!
This reminds me of Jimmy Swaggart. Jimmy S. always preached against
Rush Limbaugh was bitterly against drug use. There is a God!!
You do realize Robert Louis Stevenson was a pedophile, don't you?
troika boika