Thread: VE9SRB
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Old June 10th 04, 04:07 AM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Walter Maxwell wrote:
Cecil, I found the two Vfwd's we're looking for. They are derived from V1y and
V2y. 70.7 v and 10.94 v. The interesting part is that 10.94 v is the exact
increase in voltage resulting from adding 33.333 w to 100 w.

Yes, that's superposition of voltages in action. All it takes to exist is
some constructive interference energy without which, superposition would
not occur. Without the constructive interference, the two waves are not
coherent and add like two incoherent waves.

This is because the
re-reflected forward voltage there, 40.82 v added to the source voltage 70.71 v
does not equal the real total forward voltage of 81.65 v.

Let me say it again. Your re-reflected voltage and Steve's re-reflected
voltage are not the same quantities because they have completely
different definitions.

Think about that. Why would you expect your re-reflected voltage and Steve's
re-reflected voltage to be the same value when they have completely different

Therefore, my final comment on Eq 9 is that it works in specific cases but it
certainly is not valid in general.

It is valid for Steve's definition of re-reflected voltage. It is not valid
for your definition of re-reflected voltage. You guys are NOT using the
same analysis model. I don't know how to say it any clearer than that.
Steve's analysis model works for him. Your completely different analysis
model works for you. You both get the same answers but you are using
different models to get there.

Jim Kelley, as a physicist, defines energy transfer different than I, as
an engineer, do. Therefore, his values of energy transferred and mine will
NEVER agree. You and Dr. Best are in the same position. Your re-reflected
voltages and powers will NEVER agree because you define them differently.
If you accept his definitions, you will get the same results that he does.
If he accepts your definitions, he will get the same results that you do.
But neither one of you is willing to budge an inch.
73, Cecil

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