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Old October 14th 03, 04:14 AM
Posts: n/a

Both China Radio Int. and the Voice of Russia have changed radically
since those cold war days. They are both quite listenable and realize
the strident days of the past wont increase their audience. Both have
websites which will give you frequencies and times for your part of
the world. I often listen to VOR at 3 UTC on 17690 and CRI around 22?
UTC on 13680.
Radio Pyongyang has a good signal to the west coast about 15 UTC (
8 am local) on 9335. They tell endless stories of the great
revolution and how the peasants need not fear the Red Army, etc etc

"unidyne" wrote in message news:emnib.57599$vj2.16183@fed1read06...
"Lee Smith" wrote in message ...
Hello Folks:

I used to listen to Radio Peking and other communist stations in the early
60's. They provided me with a lot of laughs in their own perverse ways
..... between sections where I was afraid they were going to bomb the
western world and fry my 14 year old butt.

News stories would include statements along the line of "Under the

leadership of Chairman Mao, the happy workers of China sets a world record
for hoe handle production to counter the threat of the US aggressor" and
other sayings like " running dog lackey of the US military industrial
complex" and other neat things like that which would leave me rolling on

floor in laughter.

Pyongyang Radio usuially broadcasts items of that vein.

Radio Moscow seemed to always have a news story or two a week claiming

a Soviet inventor had first discovered things like the airplane, the
refrigerator, the gasoline motor, the TV set, and almost everything else
under the sun .... supposedly to discredit any Western world inventors and
grab the "glory" for the USSR.

Radio Havana Cuba was also good for a real scream or two as well. I recall
their heavy use of reverb while talking about the glorious revolution and
the wonderful leadership of Fidel.

I was wondering if anyone had any recordings of stations from that time
period, or knew of any website describing these stations?

Listening during the Cold War era was far more exciting than tuning across
the band today.

My personal favorite was Radio Tirana from Albania. They were so
isolationist, they would trash-talk BOTH the USSR and the PRC! One of the
English language newsreaders always sounded as if he was nursing a hangover
(Maybe he was! He probably had to pour himself a few vodkas in order to get
the strength to report news even HE didn't believe!).
