It's really simple to do your own moderation on Usenet.
If you're using Outlook Express, once you're reading an annoying message do
the following:
First, click the "Message" tab just under the top bar (the one that says
" - Outlook Express") and you'll get a list of actions.
If you just want to get a particular irritating poster out of the way, you
can "PLONK" him by selecting "block sender." It will block messages from
being downloaded that are sent by that poster. It will also give you the
opportunity to delete all the messages you've already downloaded from that
You can also pick "ignore conversation" which will do exactly that -- all
posts with the topic you're ignoring will not show up on your computer at
-- Stinger
"-=jd=-" wrote in message
Dateline "", Thu, 16 Oct 2003 20:31:34 GMT: As it
appeared in message-ID# news:GeDjb.66682$Pd.1341575, "Joe Strain" appears to
have written the following...
The list is of no value because it's stated mission has been subverted
the religious wackos, political zealots and potty mouths.
When you clean the content up thru proper moderation you will have my
participation, albeit humble
Yodar in orlando
If everyone would simply stop feeding the trolls, they would go away.
Remember, trolls abhor an attention vacuum. It's no fun being ignored.
FYI: it's not a mailing list - it's usenet. And, like the vast majority
of usenet, it's unmoderated. If you are not familiar with the
distinction, you may want to Google a bit on usenet, newsgroups and
trolls for more information.
My Current Disposable Email:
(Remove YOUR HAT to reply directly)