The list is of no value because it's stated mission has been subverted
the religious wackos, political zealots and potty mouths.
This group was set up for the hobby of listening to shortwave radio. It was
supposed to be a technical group.
"The religious wackos, political zealots and potty mouths" are here is
because they listen to the wackos that broadcast on shortwave, and mistake
this group as a forum for their ramblings. The fact is that they are the
ones misusing this group.
First, nobody has to read a post they don't want to.
Second, it's very easy to set up most newsreaders to filter most of it out
without even seeing it.
If there is a problem, it's when people who should know better try to "set
them straight" and get a big mess stirred up.
You leaving here won't bother anybody - but wouldn't it be better to become
a positive contributor, rather than running off after leaving an indignant
"goodbye" post?