Remote read meters have been legion in the U.K., and are
hated by hams and SWLs there. All of that to save money.
Having a staff of well - paid meter readers is good for the RF
spectrum, good for the employees, and not bad for the power
companies. Once again, someone's asleep at the FCC wheel.
Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, MN
"starman" wrote in message
| I noticed recently that I was receiving a new kind of noise/interference
| on certain shortwave frequency ranges. It seems to be an unmodulated
| carrier which repeats at 43-Khz intervals throughout a range of several
| hundred KHZ. It's most noticeable in/near the 25-m band from about 11200
| to 12400, although I've found it at weaker levels in other frequency
| ranges.
| I got to thinking about the possible source of this interference and
| remembered that the local power company recently replaced my home
| electricity meter with a new remote reading digital meter. Is there any
| documentation on RF interference from these meters?
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