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Old October 23rd 03, 02:14 PM
Miles Mitchell
Posts: n/a

tommyknocker wrote in message ...
Jack wrote:

While taking out the trash, I noticed a portable with a definite
multiband slide-rule dial at the top of the dumpster. I pick it
out... It turns out to be a Radio Shack DX-360. In rather sad shape,
I might add. Cigarette scars all over it; obviously not well taken
care of.

I decide to take it back to my shop and nurse it back to health. The
switches and pots definitely need cleaning and the rod antenna is also
snapped. Otherwise, electrically in fair shape, except for the band
switch which requires a lot of tweaking to set, and may need to be

OK. I now have another SW portable to play with. I'd like to know a
little about it. Searching the net reveals only a couple really
outdated classifieds, selling used for 20-30 bucks. Radio Shack's
website has no data. All I can see is that it uses discrete parts - no
new-fangled radio-on-a-chip SMD stuff.

Anybody know a little about this receiver? What years it was
manufactured? Cost new? How did it stand compared with other
portables in its class? (I assume it was a budget class

Post a picture. I could probably give you a very rough estimate of how
old it is by looking at the front.

I bought the dx 360 in L.A. for $160.00 in December of 1987 my first
s.w receiver. With a bit of wire attatched to the antenna, I could
pick up everything I wanted to at that time B.B.C, RNZI etc, I also
has been sorely abused but still works fine and is now in daily use in
my wifes office at the Canadian of Postal Workers.