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Old October 26th 03, 01:21 AM
Posts: n/a

These "chemtrail" people crack me up when they post a page-full of
thumbnails of vapor trails from various jet aircraft and insist that they
are photos of a govenment-sponsored release of mind-control substances.

I guess everybody's got to have something to worry about, but some of these
guys are trying way too hard.

-- Stinger

"Soames123" wrote in message
- But Wait!

Theres More !!!!

" To disseminate information on the new technologies being used in mind
control, I have produced a videotape that contains information on the
following: the history of mind control, the use of microchip implants, the

of microwaves and extremely low frequencies (ELF) and how they are being

in conjunction with microchip implants, the use of electroshock to

programming, the use of virtual reality and how it is being utilized in
programming, examples of programming hardware, and examples of programming
structure. The video addresses how the government has utilized "substances
which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the
recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced." It should

be of
no surprise that "another person" is the government programmer and

assigned to this "recipient."

- Drug companies are a great investment choice...
- dunno if this tape should be "De Regour " in Abnormal Psych classes...

& does he broadcast ??


Subject: Chemtrails, chip implants, Aliens & More !
From: (Chandler7600)
Date: 10/25/2003 5:51 PM Eastern Standard Time

{from The Website}

"I became a Christian in 1979. I started a ministry working with street
satanism and ritual-abuse victims in 1982 and by 1985, I was being
approached by local police officials to consult on satanic ritual abuse

crimes. I wrote a book in 1993, A Generation Deceived, on the new world

and its infiltration of the curriculum in our public schools. "

HOO Boy ! !

- Doubtless Skipping his Meds &
raking in the Dough

Subject: Chemtrails, chip implants, Aliens & More !
Date: 10/25/2003 5:45 PM Eastern Standard Time

- very strange website;

- File under "Wierd ****"