"Chandler7600" wrote in message
{from The Website}
"I became a Christian in 1979. I started a ministry working with street
satanism and ritual-abuse victims in 1982 and by 1985, I was being
approached by local police officials to consult on satanic ritual abuse
crimes. I wrote a book in 1993, A Generation Deceived, on the new world
and its infiltration of the curriculum in our public schools. "
HOO Boy ! !
- Doubtless Skipping his Meds &
raking in the Dough
I sorta doubt it. Most of the "xian patriot" types I've
met have been the cheapest SOB's you ever wanted
to meet. Their even worse than hams at hamfests!
Unlike hams however, if you do manage to find that small
spot in their skull called their brain and do convince them
that they'll "need" the thing you are selling to them sometime
in the future to keep the NWO or other mental bugaboo
away, then they'll fork over the cash. Just be DAMM SURE
they give you cash or certified checks. NEVER ever ever
take a personal check from these schmucks.
I made a couple thousand on these pay-triot suckers on e-bay
back before the year 2000 turned the corner on stuff like
aftermarket surplus MRE's from Desert Storm and 30+ year
old CD victoreen geiger counters and similar crap. I got the stuff for
wholesale and sold em out to these clowns for often a 3000% markup !
Wish I could do that again! (snicker-snicker-giggle-laugh...) What