Thread: NEWBIE Question
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Old October 27th 03, 02:28 AM
Posts: n/a


I own the ATS-909 and like it a lot. Its got quite a bit of "kick" for
such a small receiver, but compared to my modded DX-394 it doesn't
really hold up well. My DX-394 is far more sensitive and selective
than my beloved ATS-909, and most importantly ...its a fun radio to
use! If you go with the DX-394 make sure its properly modded and use
an external speaker along with a "clip-it" type wire antenna if your
not using an outdoor one.

One of the best features of owning the DX-394 is a very well ran Yahoo
group They're a great
bunch of people who are willing to educate and assist just about
anyone (even newbie's).


On Sun, 26 Oct 2003 19:12:37 GMT, "Greg"

Okay, here is one of those annoying "Gee, what should I buy" questions. I
enjoyed SW radio back in my high school days, but have no idea what is
considered a really good receiver to get today.
I am familiar with the old Grundig, Hallicrafters, Heathkit names, and am
seeing auctions for the Radio Shack 394, modified.
I'd like to reenter the hobby, but could use some direction on a good
receiver to shop for. Please respond to:
if you can. Thanks!!