Weird...I've been checking 6m for the last three days. Been fairly
dead here in Houston. I heard someone early the other morning , and
thats been about it. I roll around checking for beacons every once in
a while, and hear nothing. I'm hoping it will kick in down here sooner
or later. I'm running 100w and a three el NBS yagi. Been pointing it
n-n/e for starters. I've tried calling to see if I can wake anyone up,
but no go. I'm hanging on 50.125 "USB" most of the time as a "monitor"
freq. The beacons are down in the lower end. 50.000 to 50.1. MK
6m was open tonight here on the Left Coast. From Southern California
to Arizona, Utah, Montanna, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Perhaps
tomorrow will be better - or at least as good.
Just thinking about this a bit... perhaps Houston is too far south to take
advantage of auroral propagation. Fear not, however, as those in the more
southerly areas of the US could get their chance to hear signals bounced off
of the aurorae even where they are.
I don't have a 6 meter rig, but am considering getting one (or at least one
with 6 meters built in) for times such as these. I am only hearing of
increased activity on that band vicariously, through watching DX cluster
spots and now, via Howard. Nice to hear that you're getting some 6 meter
activity from where you are, Howard... let us know if you continue to catch
some good action on 6 in the states, or even further out...
73 de Jackie