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Old November 1st 03, 03:14 PM
Posts: n/a

Finally, something we agree on, MB! I think it would be great to be a
colorblind society in regards to race. What irks me is that the same people
that have a problem with groups like the "National Alliance" usually don't
see anything wrong with "The United Negro College Fund," or "Miss Black

To me, the ideas behind each of these organizations are equally flawed and
are not the vision of MLK's "not by the color of their skin, but by the
content of their character" viewpoint. Racism is racism, period.

-- Stinger

"Michael Bryant" wrote in message
From: "P Diddy"

See perfesser....this post proves my point about the fragmentation of the
white race. What do you want to bet Mr. Chesto is white, and got

to run his training video from a "white" school board? And the school

gets it's policies from the city voters who in large part

it ...white.

Maybe it says more about the unity of most of the white race to oppose the

of race hatred promulgated by backward-thinking neanderthals from the


After all, they are a pretty big embarassment to most whites.