Perfesser White
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November 2nd 03, 03:30 AM
Michael Bryant
Posts: n/a
From: "Dr. Artaud"
Somehow you have been removed from my plonk file of profligate gays, but,
as I have perused your posting, I encourage you to move to a large northern
This alone shows what YOU are. An anonymous coward whose first instinct is to
lashout with falsehoods. I am neither gay or as insecure in my sexuality as you
seem to be.
And I did manage to live in the slums of Detroit for two years. Not nearly the
hell I am sure you assume it to be.
Here in Louisville, the nation's 16th largest city, many blacks are starting to
move out into the suburbs of Jefferson County. These blacks are actually adding
to the security of these neighborhoods. Many are police, teachers and retail
professionals. Their children play peacefully with the white kids in the
neighborhood. There are still plenty of problems in the area, but I think that
the breakdown of segregated communities is actually helping the situation.
So, Soliloquy, why are you so scared? The real problem isn't race, but poverty.
When you examine the fact that while blacks do commit more crimes, when you
control for income level, poor whites commit crimes at disproportionate
I think there are legitimate arguments for re-focusing quotas from race to
class. The type of diversity we should be shooting for should be the type that
opens the door for all people disadvantaged by the social conditions to which
they found themselves being born.
But most Republicans wouldn't like that, either, would they?
How many total screennames up to this point?
Michael Bryant, WA4009SWL
Louisville, KY
R75, S800, RX320, SW77, ICF2010K,
DX398, 7600G, 6800W, RF2200, 7600A
GE SRll, Pro-2006, Pro-2010, Pro-76
(remove "nojunk" to reply)
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