Thread: Passport 2004
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Old November 2nd 03, 07:51 AM
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Andre wrote:

"Bill" wrote in message ...
Going to try this again the last mesg. went somewhere! The 2004 is just
about the same as the 2003 with updates for the Watkins-Johnson WJ-8711A and
the Ten-Tec RX-340. Also in this book there is a lot of reviews on small
portables that I haven't herd much about like Kchibo, Kaiwa, Kaide etc. Also
they are saying the new Grundig Satellit 900 is due out early 2004 think I
have herd this before like last year and the year before that! But when it
does come I will have one for sure!
"Bill" wrote in message
The mailman just brought me mine! I ordered it from


You're a good pal, Thank you very much. You are a very honest
person that you reveal the contents of the 2004 edition of Passport to
World Band Radio. We here at this shortwave newsgroup appreciate your
honest observation of the book. I salute you for that.
I have this book 2003 edition of Passport to World Band Radio last
December which I purchased it at a respectable bookstore. So I will
hold on to my dollar because there is no changes made on the
publication of the 2004 issue of Passport to World Band Radio. I will
just wait for the bargain sale instead so I don't want to spend more
dollars for that book.


There are still new articles to read regardless of the receiver reviews.

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