Thread: Interferance
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Old November 3rd 03, 05:51 AM
Tom Holden
Posts: n/a

Mike Lee wrote:
Hi Group,
I am using a DX394 and a DX200 each with end fed 50ft
wire going up the garden.
I get a lot of interferance from my PC (tracked it down)
if I switch the PC off using "Start" then "Turn of
Computer" the whole lot goes off as expected and the
interferance stays, BUT if I unplug the PC from the
mains then the interferance goes not a problem, has any
one any ideas on how to overcome this?

Mike, you'll get lots of specific info on shielding the DX-394 from
interference in the user group . The keys are shielding the
case, removing the internal LW/MW antenna, choking the power cord, shielded
transmission line to an antenna as far away from the computer as possible, a
balun between the co-ax and the antenna, choke on the co-ax, and grounding
the co-ax where it enters the house.

Better yet is suppression of the source, i.e., the computer and display,
especially if CRT. You may have to put lots of ferrite chokes on every cable
entering the computer. Previous posts here also talk about adding bypass
caps in the CPU power supply.
