Some car stereo questions, if you please?
Hi Folks,
Just dropped in to your group for a few questions, hope nobody minds.
My Sony XR-4800 seems to be on it's last legs. I have been MORE than
pleased with it's performance to date, and consider it well worth the
money I spent. It was billed as the, "Freedom Radio", and sold by a
fellow in New Hampshire, USA. I can't seem to find him anymore, so he
probably sold all he had.
I've contacted Jacky's to see if this is still available, or if not,
the next version from Sony with similar features, but I'm flexible as
to brand.
I listen mostly to AM at night while driving, but have come to enjoy
some shortwave as well. (Mostly WBCQ for now, as I have yet to improve
my antenna). I don't own CD's yet, preferring cassette, (I know,
I'm also considering trying XM satellite radio as well, so an in dash
car stereo that is capable of interface would be helpful, but I'm not
too keen on the cassette plug-in adapter. Is there another way to
connect the two?
A removable faceplate would be nice as well.
Any suggestions?
Thanks. Donny