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Old November 11th 03, 11:59 AM
Posts: n/a


First you must realise that 55.5% of the Reception Equation is the
+ + + An average radio with a Good Antenna = Good Reception.
- - - A Good Radio with a poor antenna = poor reception.

? Question ?
Are you using an External Antenna with your Grundig Yacht Boy 300 PE ?

NOTE: Portable Radios often can be "Over Loaded" by an External

Before you spend some more money on a new radio.

Consider the "PWA" [Portable Wire Antenna] that was created and
written about by Tom Sevart [N2UHC].

Portable Wire Antenna "PWA" for the Sony ICF-2010.
- - - To 'quote' Tom Sevant - "This is an antenna I put together after
having problems with overload on my Sony 2010 portable shortwave


Bassically, the PWA is a a short to medium length "Random Wire
Antenna" that is 'couple' via the a 'portable' radio's Whip Antenna
for improved reception.
- - - It uses a 'coupling coil' that is place over the 'portable'
radio's Whip Antenna.

The webpage written by by Tom Sevart [N2UHC] describes the
construction and sep-up of the PWA [Portable Wire Antenna].


iane ~ RHF
= = = "Brian Chow"
= = = wrote in message news:cwWrb.13572$Ws6.6371@edtnps84...


I have a Grundig YB300PE for about 6 months now, and have been using it

I currently can tune in to Radio Taiwan International at 5.95 and 2-3 other
religious stations in the shortwave band. I have tried to tune into other
world radio stations by entering the frequencies directly or by using
auto-tuning, but have been unsuccessful.

I have researched on why I can only get so few stations, and I found out
that my location in Vancouver, BC, Canada is a poor location for reception.

My question is would I get more stations if I upgraded my radio to YB400PE?
Or would I just be limited to the number of stations because of my location?

Thanks in advance for your help!

- Brian