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Old November 11th 03, 07:02 PM
Thomas Giella KN4LF
Posts: n/a
Default Black ABC Radio Host Mocks Dismembered White Teen

I have been tracking your political oriented posts for a good while.
Though I agree with virtually 100% of what you say I just don't think it
belongs on this non political hobby newsgroup, unless there is a radio
related message associated with it like the insensitivity of the black talk
show host against the injured white girl.

I'm a very politically educated person and know what the left has done to
our culture but when I'm playing radio so to speak I really don't want to be
reminded of the anti-white male rot within our decaying society. Go to my
website at
160 Meter Amateur Radio Resources & Mo and
look at the link in the left hand column
concerning communists.

Thomas F. Giella, KN4LF
Plant City, FL, USA

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"Kevin Alfred Strom" wrote in message

Black ABC Radio Host Mocks Dismembered White Teen
News/Comment; Posted on: 2003-11-10 20:08:51 [ Printer friendly ]

by Kevin Alfred Strom

Bethany Hamilton (pictured) is a 13-year-old White girl who lost her
left arm to a 15-foot tiger shark in a tragic surfing accident on
November first in Hawaii. Tom Joyner is a nationally-syndicated
Black radio personality employed by Jew-controlled ABC. Shortly
after Miss Hamilton's accident, Joyner and his Black co-hosts
cruelly made fun of the young girl, making specific reference to the
fact that she is White and singing a version of 'Mack the Knife'
with words including "When that shark bites / He bites only Whites /
Stay out de water, White people / Shark's gonna bite you / That's
why he keeps on bitin' White" -- followed by mocking laughter.

(illustration: ABC's Tom Joyner, who finds amusement in the tragic
dismemberment of a 13-year-old White girl)

An audio clip of the offending section of the program is he

It's about 360 kb in size.

One of Joyner's few non-Black listeners writes:

"I have been contending for quite some time that our first amendment
rights have been slowly taken away from us. There are things that a
White person just cannot say but are perfectly acceptable for a
Black to say. We should all be very concerned by this slow erosion
of our rights. ...No White announcer could have said what Joyner and
crew did about that White surfer girl had she been Black. They were
LAUGHING at the fact her WHITE arm had been bitten off by a shark.
It was so offensive but most people will never hear about it because
Whites won't listen to Joyner and the Blacks who heard it just
laughed along with him. It was 'just a white girl,' you know. Who
cares about them; they're just good for...

"Not a single Black will criticize him for his comments and that
proves to me who the real racists are in our society. Had a White
announcer done the same thing concerning a Black he would have been
lambasted by many other Whites. Everyone knows this is true."

And National Vanguard believes that, had the racial roles been
reversed, the Jewish-owned media would be trumpeting this case to
the skies. Joyner's disgusting performance would already have been
an international scandal and he would have been fired and unable to
work again in media for years -- if not for the rest of his life.

But the media Jews aren't at all concerned about cruelty to White
children. Joyner is still employed by ABC and is so totally
unapologetic that he even features a studio clip of the song mocking
Bethany Hamilton on his official Web site. Just go to

and scroll down to the entry for November 3, 2003.

The Tom Joyner Web site is heavy on advertising, including prominent
Home Depot spots (and a probably market-appropriate ad which asks
the reader "Genital irritation?"). Probably most of these
advertisers aren't aware of their support of the anti-White actions
of Mr. Joyner and, more importantly, the anti-White actions of Mr.
Joyner's employers.

Bethany Hamilton is facing her tragedy with religious faith and
bravery. She says that her life-changing accident will be an
opportunity for her to help others in new ways. It is reported that
she did not even cry as she swam ashore with only one arm after the
attack. Her attitude is particularly impressive since her young life
was largely centered on competitive surfing. Those who wish to find
out more about Bethany, her beliefs, and her efforts, should visit
her Web site:

The story of the accident is he

And here are links to some of the advertising sponsors of Joyner and
his program:

ABC Radio Networks

Home Depot:



Source: Correspondents


Kevin Alfred Strom.

The Works of R. P. Oliver:
Personal site:

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