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Old November 15th 03, 12:27 AM
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On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 21:44:48 +0000, Dr. Artaud wrote:

Hippie wrote in

To publicize when blacks wrong whites or vice versa only perpetuates
racism. My opinion is it's better to hold people accountable for
their actions without regards to race.

I see, how about the two dragging deaths described in this thread? One a
black man dragged by whites, the other a white man dragged by blacks. If
one is to be considered a (shudder) "hate crime", why isn't the other?
Why aren't all murders "hate crimes"? We have allowed society to create
protected classes, almost ALL at the expense of white Christians. It is a
hate crime to kill a Jew but not a Christian, a hate crime to kill a
Muslim but not a Christian, a hate crime to kill a black but not a white,

You have spoken the truth, "it's better to hold people accountable for
their actions without regards to race". My only objection on this thought
can be summarized by the following: "All people are equal, only some
people are more equal than others".

I'm sure you'll twist this to suit your needs, but I refer to it in the
sense of accountability, a topic you broached. Blacks simply do not
believe that they (as a race) are to be held accountable for their
actions. As much as I fret over police brutality, being outraged when the
police in N.Y. shot and killed an unarmed black man some 17 times (he
reached for his wallet) but went unpunished, I was also incredulous of
the protestations of the family of a black youth that was shot by the
police here in Pittsburgh. The youth was holed up in a van, the
conclusion of a chase, the event starting with an armed holdup and shots
being fired. The parents felt that the police overreacted, but if the
youth hadn't held up the store at gun point, and had not fired the gun,
he would still be alive today. His actions are directly responsible for
his demise.

I also notice that you neglected to respond to the statistics page? Do
you regard the wanton and torturous murder of 5 white youths as merely
"an issue"?

My my, sanctimony reigns supreme. By the way, in what city and country do
you live?

Dr. Artaud

I live in Southern California. You have good points about the unfair
ways hate crimes are reported, I personally disagree with the premise
"hate crime". If someone commits a crime to another, that is enough to
punish them, no reason to add the fact the two came from different ethnic

Your complaints about the reporting of hate crimes are indeed valid, but
this racial stuff cuts both ways. In my town if a black man is simply
walking down the street at night he his more likely to be interviewed by
a passing deputy than is a white person. I have witnessed this personally
and it just sickens me! The USA is still a backward country socially.
