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Old November 16th 03, 07:49 PM
Posts: n/a


One of the best places for reviews is at Radio Netherlands:

Once you narrow your field a bit, this newsgroup is a great resource. Just
post a note saying which units you are considering, and you'll probably get
replies from people that have one of each.

As for the Grundig S-350, there is a very active newsgroup on Yahoo:

A running commentary on that group now is that it may be that the Tecsun
version of that radio is actually superior to the Grundig version, due to a
revision that "preheats" portions of the tuner to keep it from drifting (as
it warms up from being "off"). Grundig has e-mailed (to one of the group
members) that they've made revisions in their latest production, but they
haven't bothered to tell us exactly what these revisions were.

-- Stinger

"Russell" wrote in message
Hi all,
Just wondering if someone could give me a few web sites that have
reviews of short wave radios, I have seen eham but do recall another one
a while back that had pictures and rated them by stars 1-5 stars etc
I am looking for a small radio maybe the grundig 400??? for travelling
but would like it fairly compact
I am also looking into the Grundig S350 for my home as it looks like a
pretty intersting radio?
Any web sites would be appreciated or feedback
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