Steve wrote:
I'm currently using this coax with a vertical and I'm very pleased with it.
I am building a 15 ele yagi for 2m and would like to use the Westflex but
I'm concerned that it might be a bit too stiff to use with a rotator mounted
antenna. Has anyone tried this ?
Yes, to my grief. If it's bent sharply, the inner conductor is pushed
sideways and the copper foil tears. Even if you use a very big loop, the
bending still tends to be concentrated into two small areas at the ends
of the loop.
It's better to get down below the rotator loop in a more flexible cable
such as RG213, and then change to the low-loss Westflex for the longer
part of the run.
73 from Ian G3SEK 'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'